XAT previous year Essay topics.
Being almost last exam of the season(for many), XAT has always been the most important entrance. For those who already have 2-3 calls in their bag would like to fetch few more and for those who have screwed all of them would try to work harder to make a difference. XAT differentiates itself from other entrances by having an essay writing at the end of the exam. 20 minutes will be given to write an essay on the given topic. Aspirants often tend to skip this portion for preparing others sections, which would not be a good idea. So here’s a list of essay topics for the past 15 years. Skimming through this topics should help you prepare for this section. Hope this helps.
1999 – “Television really is, another eye so you can see anywhere, another part of your heart so you can feel and care about things you never felt and cared about before, another ear to hear strange music, The first and only international language.”
2000 – Ships are safer in the harbour. But they are not meant for the same.
2001– “Economic Growth without distributive justice can only lead to violence
2002– “Indian Economy in the Post WTO Era.”
2003– To give real service, one needs to add something that cannot be bought or measured, like sincerity and integrity.
2004– Asked at the age of 83, as to which of his project would he choose as his master piece, Frank Lloyd wright, the architect answered, “The next one”
2005– More than one billion Indians: A gigantic problem or a sea of opportunities.
2006– ‘India has one of the largest pools of talented manpower, but few innovations and patented products.’
2007– Economic growth without environmental damage – a mirage or a reality.
2008– Gender Imbalance would lead to Third World War.
2009– The Inherent vice of Capitalism is unequal sharing of blessings and the inherent virtue of Socialism is equal sharing of misery
2010– Earth provides enough to satisfy everybody’s need but not everybody’s greed
2011– “The statesman who should attempt to direct private people in what manner they ought to employ their capitals would not only load himself with most unnecessary attention but assume an authority which could safely be trusted to no council and senate whatever, and which would nowhere be so dangerous as in the hands of man who have folly and presumption enough to fancy himself fit to exercise it.”
2012– Statement 1 – Poverty is a big menace in India. Due to its complexity and magnitude, most of the government initiatives fail.
Statement 1 – Poverty is a consequence of failure of government policies due to the fact that governments do not target the root causes.
The students had to support one of the two statements,provide the justification for the same and give further examples to support his/her point.
2013 – ‘Corruption is the root cause of economic slowdown in India.
Let’s crack THE XAT. :mg: