ICAR-DAE 2019 Recruitment Walk-in: Apply for Young Professional I & II Posts

The Indian Council of Agricultural Research has notified regarding the recruitment for the post of Young professional l and Young Professional ll. The process of recruitment is a walk-in interview conducted by the Indian Council of Agricultural Research. Official website is https://icar.org.in/ .

The interview is scheduled to take place on September 3, 2019. The interview will begin at 10:30 Am. The candidates who doesn’t report before the scheduled reporting time will not be eligible to attend the interview. Only the candidates below the age of 35 can attend the interview.

Eligibility Criteria:

For the both the designations, the candidate should fulfill certain criteria in order to be eligible to attend the interview. The eligibility criteria for the posts are as follows

  • YOUNG PROFESSIONAL l: The candidates who are interested to attend the walk-in interview for the post of young professional l should have a BSc degree in Agriculture or he should have a BTech degree in Bio Technology. The salary for a Young Professional candidate will be Rs.15000 per month. The candidate should have basic knowledge on Computers and he should also have worked at a farm.
  • YOUNG PROFESSIONAL ll: A MSc degree in horticulture or soil science or micro biology is the eligibility criteria for the candidates who are interested to get placed as Young professionals ll. The monthly salary that a young professional ll will be getting is Rs.25000. The candidate who wants to become young professionals should be experienced in any software in which data analysis can be done and also, he must have relevant experience in research related to agriculture.

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