Things to do Before IIFT 2013

As we all know IIFT is on 24th nov 2013 , Here are some points which can help you in performing better in IIFT.

1) We all get confused when it comes to last minute preparation. We try to do many things which in turn leaves us doing nothing.So, First thing to do is to define a domain (list of things you would like to complete).

2) Although quant in IIFT covers most of the areas, but if you see the trend from past year papers, you will find P&C;, Probability and Airthmatic questions in almost all papers, It will be a good idea to revise P&C;, Probability and Airthmatic basics once again and solve past year questions.

3) DI involves calculation intensive sets, so it will be important to do DI from past papers and work on calculation techniques.Practice all DI from past year and try to apply approximation technique to calculate fractions, percentages.

4)RC is one of the most important area in IIFT. IIFT consists of long passages followed by easy questions.Practice all RCs from previous paper and build speed . You should also pick questions which are direct and inferential questions should be done if you are sure about the answer.

5) Verbal section involves vocabulary,grammar, Jumbled paragraph and Fill in the blanks questions. You should practice vocabulary questions from past year CAT,IIFT,FMS,SNAP papers.Practice all questions from previous year IIFT papers and analyze them.

6) GK involves many question types and it is important to revise current affair should concentrate on these topics-

You should also prepare from these resources

1)GK Fact File(from Test Funda)

2)GK Compendium by CL

IIFT involves good number of questions and the most important part is choosing questions wisely, giving enough time to RC and verbal section(they can be attempted in less time), Being accurate in quant and DI(attempting less DI helps ), being through with all GK topics which gives you an edge on D day.

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