The Invisible Chains

We live in a society of the invisible chains of customs and religious faith. And I realize that my life is always been about others than about myself, my dreams and aspirations have always taken a back seat. Sometimes i feel that god is just playing with me, keeping me busy till I get old and realize that it is just too late to live a life for myself.

Customs and religious faith have always been about oppression and deprivation, they talk more about things you can’t do than the things you can, of-course this means that god has not made these rules and these are manmade. We all our sane enough to know what is right and what is wrong but still we wait for others to lead us on the “right path”, to tell us what we already know about life. We trust these leaders so much that we make the same mistakes as they did in life. Our society doesn’t value questioning elder people, they are already respectable just because they were born earlier than you, why not respect someone for what they have done in life? Why not respect a person due to karma than just due to his/her age?

Our inability to realize and work for what we need in life gives strength to a few people who are busy exploiting us, it gives them the freedom to kill others and call it as “honor killing”, it gives a few godmen a chance to exploit young minds and fulfill their pervert desires. It gives freedom to some politicians and religious leaders to comment on how women should behave and what they should wear.

The invisible chains are not drawn upon by anyone; they are all in our mind. They have always caused more harm to us than any sense of happiness they bring in our lives; they teach hatred based on caste, color and language. Probably we are the most racist society in the world, because we love to stereotype, gossip and defame others before even getting to know a person…

Can we dare to breakthrough these invisible chains?

Written by abhimukh19 (Abhishek Mukherjee)

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