GMAT 101

GMAT is taken by hundreds of students every year across the world. This test is one of the best managed tests in the world. GMAT focuses on testing an individual’s reasoning ability and does that with the help of Quantitative & Verbal questions.

For an MBA aspirant thinking of taking this test, it is essential to understand the psyche (what is the focus of the test and what mindset is required to ace the test) of this standardized test. In this article, we answer some of the above mentioned questions.

First things first, GMAT is a function of the following four things :-

– In depth learning of the basic concepts

– Comprehending the question

– Application of the basic concepts

– Solving the question in an appropriate time.

Now the question is “What is the mindset required to prepare for this test?”

The preparation for the test should ideally begin with a clear idea of the target score. It is important not to deviate significantly from the target score during the course of the preparation. Since most of the GMAT test takers are working professionals, maintaining balance between working 24*5 (6?) and finding time to study is an important aspect. Therefore, DO NOT schedule your GMAT around your life but schedule your life around GMAT.

Another aspect of the mindset is practice. Regular and GMAT specific practice are key attributes of the preparation. In addition to this, ‘How to practice?’ and ‘Which resources to use for practice?’ are important questions to analyze. It is official that generally a working professional takes a gap of approximately 7 months between booking a date of GMAT and eventually taking the test; however our observation is that they study only for 1-2 months. Therefore, perseverance is the mantra and an important cog in the wheel of GMAT preparation.

A very important aspect of GMAT prep is the attitude towards taking the paper. Successful GMAT test takers (scoring 730+) are egoistic while preparing but not while taking the test. This non-egoistic attitude while taking the test is a measure of the smartness and decision making characteristics of the test taker.

It is essential for a GMAT test taker to know about these non tangible characteristics of the test in addition to the technicalities involved. In our next article we will talk more about the technical aspects of the test and TIME MANAGEMENT.

Keep reading and learning. This is another key aspect of post and pre MBA preparation.

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