Tata Chemicals CFO visits IIT Kanpur

Mr. P.K. Ghose is an Honours Graduate in Commerce. He is a member of the Institute of Cost and Works Accountants of India and the Institute of Company Secretaries of India. He is also an Alumina of the Advanced International General Management programme of CEDEP, France. He has earlier served on many Boards which includes Tata Yodogawa, Stewarts & Lloyds and Tata Pigments Limited. Mr. Ghose won CFO of the year award in 2003 and the CFO ( Deal of the year) award in

The focus of the lecture was on the acquisitions made by Tata Chemicals in the last 3 years and the driving factors behind the strategy. The esteemed speaker spoke at length about the experiences as the company went shopping to diversify its product portfolio and market footprint. He elaborated on the financial structures that the company adopted to make the acquisitions like the Swap deal, the FCCB route, Special Purpose Vehicles etc and the rationale behind a particular route for a given deal. He also spoke about the various taxation issues that the company faced in course of these acquisitions.

Press & Media Relations: Department of Industrial & Management Engineering, IIT Kanpur
Mr Ghose then went on to emphasize the importance of cultural issues in cross border acquisitions and explained the cultural integration process adopted by Tata Chemicals to reconcile any mismatches.

He closed the session by re-emphasizing the fact the managers must keep in mind the
importance of shareholder value for judging the suitability of any deal and must not be
hesitant to step back if it will in any manner lead to erosion of shareholder value.

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