ICAR – Central Institute of Arid Horticulture – vacancies for various posts
The ICAR – Central Institute of Arid Horticulture has invited applications for the posts of Senior Research Fellow, Field Assistant and Skilled worker. The details of the vacancies are as follows:
Posts No. of vacancies Remuneration (in Rs.)
Senior Research Fellow 01 25,000/- + 20% HRA
Field Assistant 02 8,000/-
Skilled worker 01 8,000/-
For details regarding Essential Qualifications and age limit, refer to the official notification
How to apply:
Interested candidates can attend the walk-in-interview on the following dates:
1) Senior Research Fellow- 05th October, 2015
2) Field Assistant- 06th October, 2015
3) Skilled Worker- 06th October, 2015
Venue of the interview:
ICAR – Central Institute of Arid Horticulture ,
Beechwal. Bikaner,
Rajasthan – 334006
Last date for receipt of application: 06.10.2015
For additional details, refer to the official website: http://icar.org.in/