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BSPHCL JE Exam Pattern & Preparation Tips

Exam Pattern

The exam pattern for the Bihar State Power Holding company Ltd Junior Electrical Engineer exams is out. It is the most awaited part. As the officials had already released the mock test, the aspirants can take up the mock test to have an idea about the exam pattern. It will decrease the last minute tension in the exam hall. But the timing given for the mock test will vary from the original test. The pattern is as follows,

S.No Sections Total number of questions
1 Technical Part 60
2 Non-Technical Part 40
  Total 100

The question and answers are of objective type. The technical part includes Civil Engineering and Electrical Engineering Syllabus. The non-technical part includes the following

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Preparation Tips:

The aspirant should collect the formulas and all the facts. He/she should jot it down in a paper and should revise on a daily basis.