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DMI Patna Highlights the Potential for Development Management Graduates in India

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) present an opportunity to approach, in a holistic manner, the current development challenges such as widening inequalities; social, political and economic marginalisation; and environmental degradation exacerbated by climate change. The progressive realisation of:

(i) social well-being of all beings including human within
global environmental constraints;

(ii) distributive justice in relation to
employment, income, and access to resources and services; and

(iii) gender and
inter-generational equity, remains the key concern and requires immediate

There is an urgent need for striking an optimal balance between
societal and individual orientation through a synergetic alliance among the multiple
stakeholders. DMI aims at meeting this dire need by developing managerial and
leadership competencies through the processes of integral learning,
professionalisation, trans-disciplinary research and conscientisation.

Post Graduate Programme in Development
Management (PDM)

The pioneering activity of DMI is its two-year full-time Post-Graduate
Programme in Development Management (PDM) which aims at preparing its graduates
to achieve:

# Personal growth by widening perspectives through interactive
learning from perspective-building, foundational, functional and integrative
courses, and enriched by learning by doing and reflective dialoguing process;

# Transformation into Development Management Professionals by exposure to
contextual realities during immersion, enterprise learning and apprenticeship
modules, mediated by experiential learning from first-hand living and working
in situ.

PDM curriculum primarily focuses on imparting competencies necessary
for participatory governance and management of resources, enterprises,
institutions and interventions. The curriculum is a fine mix of mutually
reinforcing classroom learning and hands-on experiential learning through a
network of diverse institutional partners of DMI.

Placement Opportunities

DMI envisions creating meaningful career opportunities in the field of
Development Management for its participants. On successful completion of PDM, a
world of personally rewarding and professionally fulfilling career
are open to the participants in Development Organizations and
Development Support Organisation promoting Sustainable Livelihoods; Corporate
Social Responsibility units; Collectives; and Social Enterprises.

Last date to apply online for PGDM (Development Management): Monday,
February 15, 2016