How to ruin your college life sans T.A.N.G.
So what in the world is T.A.N.G. you ask? Well I came up with this droll abbreviation after scraping by in my midterms, it stands for Tobacco, Alcohol, Narcotics and Girls. How had I led myself to such a sorry pass? It dawned upon me that none of the aforementioned distractions (and I’m not being misogynistic here when I refer to girls!) were responsible for it, not in any slightest way. Then what the hell was sucking me towards the event horizon?
Here were people who barley made the cut in the entrances and the branch cutoffs and now they’re in the running for the highly coveted title of “Branch Topper”. I on the other hand went from being a very bright student throughout my school years to being just another 7 pointer. How the mighty have fallen! Having being raised in a orthodox family with the right amount of love and rigidity inculcated within me a sense of self discipline. It was this self discipline that help me stay clear of T.A.N. when it really screwed many of my classmates badly. One such case was the girl of my class who landed in the I.C.U. after a going on a vodka binge. Make no mistake, I do have plenty of friends who come from Venus, it’s just that I am too shy and chivalrous to be someone’s boyfriend.I was looking for a serious relationship, in it for the long run, but discovered that here the “wham bam thank you ma’am” affair is in vogue. In this place being a bad boy pays off. So I realized that my time and efforts would be better spent someplace else.I drifted in and out of gaming, blogging and bunch of other random stuff. Things academically didn’t get any better. I felt stifled and and helpless. Some fellows would go argue with the professors for 1/2 a mark, yes 0.5 and would cuss profusely(afterwards of course) if the poor sod didn’t relent to their demands.
After one long phone call from home, it hit me like a ton of bricks, it’s procrastination that has been my undoing. To all those reading this, I have one very important piece of advice – NEVER PROCRASTINATE!!! It’s a silent and deadly dream killer. After being burnt, I have emerged wiser. Don’t count me out yet, I’ve come this far I’ll finish this, for this is my baptism of fire. Wish me luck ?