Once you get in touch with others in your slot, you can help each other prepare better and share resources, or just become friends with them so that you are not faced with complete strangers when you land up for your GD-PI.
We will keep adding b-schools to PG Connect as their results are declared.
Link to PaGaLGuY GD-PI Connect – https://testing.pagalguy.com/connect/
Here is a screen-by-screen walk-through of some of the main features of PaGaLGuY GD-PI Connect (from hereon referred to simply as PG Connect).
1. Once you direct your browser to https://testing.pagalguy.com/connect/, you’ll be taken to your profile on PG Connect. You can ‘Add GD-PI Details‘ to reach a form that looks like the image below.
Be careful about entering information, though. If you don’t have a GD-PI call but still enter it, someone will do a ‘Report Abuse‘ on you and we’ll be too happy to see you banned from PaGaLGuY. So don’t test-drive and be good samaritans!
2. Once you add a GD-PI schedule, you’ll immediately see people with the same slot. Do a ‘Show all‘ to see the complete list.
3. If you don’t have a GD-PI call, you may still browse through the list of people with GD-PI calls in various schools.
4. By clicking on a b-school, you can see all the PaGaLGuY members with a GD-PI call from that school along with their venues and schedules.
So that’s what PaGaLGuY Connect essentially is – a matchmaking application for GD-PI call-getters. Wish you all the best for your group discussions and interviews!