PUC Karnataka 2019 Supplementary Result: To be Released Soon
Karnataka pre university examination board has decided to let out the 2nd supplementary results in a short period of time. as per the trusted sources, Karnataka has decided to publish the results of 2019 in the upcoming week. Usually, the board will only publish results in the end of July. Even last year in 2018, the results were only published on 26th of July 2019. This year, it is coming out almost a month early which was unexpected by any candidates. The PUC exam was written by almost 6 lakh students which was held in the month of April and the attempt examination was held at month of June.
Candidates who is awaiting results can now check results at the official website of the board www.karresults.nic.in . students who wrote the examination are requested to keep a regular check in the official website mentioned above. Students will have to enter their PUC exam role number and their date of birth to get their results displayed on the screen. Once they visit the official website, there will a link to results and if they enter mandatory details there, they will be able to get their results. Students are requested to take a printout of the results for the future use.