RRB Paramedical 2019 Computer Based Test Analysis

RRB paramedical 2019 exam for the computer-based test is from 19th July 2019 to 21st July 2019. RRB Paramedical 2019 exam is for those candidates who are interested in a medical job in Indian Railways. The number of vacancies for RRB Paramedical 2019 recruitment is 1937. Official website of RRB is http://www.rrbcdg.gov.in/.

Important dates of RRB Paramedical 2019 exam:

Event Date
Notification released on 4th July 2019
Admit card released on 15th July 2019
Computer based test 19th, 20th, 21st July 2019
Result August 2019 (Tentatively)

Mark distribution in RRB Paramedical 2019 exam:

Name of the subject Number of Questions
Professional ability 70
General Awareness 10
General intelligence and reasoning 10
General Science 10
Total Question 100

Each question is of multiple-choice and carries 1 mark each.

  • Duration of the test for general candidates is 1 hour 30 minutes.
  • For PwBD candidates, duration of the exam is 2 hours.
  • For each right answers’ candidate will be given 1 mark.
  • For each wrong attempt, there is a negative 1/3rd mark.
  • The exam was in both English and Hindi language.
  • Candidates are not restricted to leave the examination hall until the time gets over.

Topics Covered in each section:

Name of the subject Topics covered
Professional ability Dietician, Staff Nurse, Dental Hygienist, Dialysis Technician, Extension Educator, Health & Malaria Inspector Grade III, Lab Superintendent Grade-III, Optometrist, Perfusionist, Physiotherapist, Pharmacist Grade-III, Radiographer, Speech Therapist, ECG Technician, Lady Health Visitor, Lab Assistant Grade II
General Awareness Current affairs (National & International), Environmental issues concerning India and the World, General scientific and technological developments
General intelligence and reasoning Averages, Percentages, Number systems, Ratio and Proportion, Time and Work, Time Speed and Distance, Simple and Compound Interest, Profit and Loss, Algebra, Series, Direction, Puzzles
General Science Physics, Chemistry and Life Sciences

Difficulty analysis of RRB Paramedical 2019 exam:

Name of the subject Difficulty level
Professional ability Moderate to Difficult
General Awareness Moderate
General intelligence and reasoning Easy to moderate
General Science Easy to moderate

Candidates may take this analysis to access their performance in RRB Paramedical 2019 exam. For more information stay tuned to PaGaLGuY.

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