So You are a Very Good Listener!
DISCLAIMER: The PI experience is a verbatim (exactly as it happened)and happens to be a long write up.
CAT OA Score:98.48
Section 1: 98.55
Section 2: 98.22
Section 3: 91.91
Undergrad Major -B.TECH( CS) 72.3%
Work-Ex (number of months):0
VENUE: MDI Gurgaon
Slot: Afternoon
( We were made to sit in a lecture hall where document verification was done.The process took about an hour)
Panel No:1
WAT Details: Time given for wat was 15 minutes but as per me they stopped us short of the given period Topic and other relevant details: Privacy intrusion caused due to social networking applications. Started with a real life scenario(short story) but could not complete the concluding paragraph.
GD Details: Privacy intrusion caused due to social networking applications. GD was smooth.everyone pitched in..I spoke 3 times(
Number of People present:11
Time:15 minutes
Other Salient
Let us call the talkative professor( PT) and the other professor ( PQ). As we were waiting outside the PI room, PQ calls out my name.(100W ki smile
PT: So Vinay you spoke very less in the gd.
Me: Yes sir..I had repetitive points and I was waiting for my turn.
Me: (Confidently) Yes sir.
PT: So you have not scored very good marks in 10,12 and grad.
Me: No sir, I don’t think they are bad at all.
PT: Yes,12 % stands out.
PT: Why MDI?
Me: Sir the actual reason that I am from Gurgaon and I would like to remain in Gurgaon.Another reason may be that an alumni of MDI told me about Mr.Sanjay Bakshi and his exchange program with Warren Buffet.This happens to be a big deal in finance and although I have very limited knowledge in the domain I would be very grateful if I could learn from him.
PT: But you can learn from the internet as well.
Me: Yes sir, you can search online .But I told you the actual reason sir.
PT: No issues. It is alright.
PT: Had it been IIM A?
Me: Sir obviously IIM A.(grin)
PT: So have you gone through the MDI Website.
Me: Yes sir.
PT: So when was MDI established?(told) PGPM?(told)..asked some other stuff about MDI(told). (rapid fire
PT: So how do you rank an institute.
Me: Sir I do not believe the ranking given online.I try to talk to the alumni and then make a decision.
PT: Give me a scientific approach.
Me: Told about various parameters such as
PT: What is the difference between TFT and CRT.
Me: (
PT: Old means?
Me: Sir it was introduced earlier than CRT. TFT has a big back(:P) while CRT is much smaller in size.
PT: pointing to a pointer.TFT or CRT?
Me: CRT sir.
PQ: Do you know the full form of TFT.
Me :No
PT: No issues.
PT: What is cloud computing?
Me: (
PQ: Which college?
Me: SRM University.
PQ: Which campus, where is it located?
Me :Sir Ghaziabad, located on Delhi-Meerut highway.
PQ: So you have completed graduation?
Me: No sir, I am still completing it.
PT: He is still in college.
PT: Do you have a job offer?
Me: No
PT: No issues.
PT: (He took the WAT paper from PQ.)So you have written about privacy intrusion.Where is the topic explained?
Me: Justified my stand.( In the first paragraph cross questions..he talked about it a little more)
PT: What are your hobbies?
Me :Football,reading.
PQ: (Suddenly).You don’t write?(wat
Me: No sir.
PT: Ok..what is your cat percentile.
Me :Sir 98.48.
PT: Calls?
Me: New
PT: Ok you can go.
Me: puzzled (
PT: ok wait, have you had any interviews?
Me: Yes
PT: Where was it?
Me :(Naam
PT: OK,you can go.
Me: Getting up, thanked both the professors.
PT told