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SSC CGL 2016: Exam review, paper analysis and question paper, check here

The Staff Selection Commission (SSC) just concluded its first slot of the Combined Graduate Level examination (CGL), Tier1-2016, on August 27, 2016. The first session was conducted from 10 am to 11.15 am today, August 27, across the country. Due to the online nature of  CGL Tier – 1 exam, many students have reported server issues, leading to waste of time on certain questions.

Rahul Raut, who took the exam from Nagpur, said, “The overall difficulty of the paper was low when compared to the previous year’ question papers. English section was a bit moderate in difficulty. There was a lag in my PC, which took crucial time and hampered my performance a bit.”

Another candidate from New Delhi, Prince Ganvir, reported that, “Since i had thoroughly revised the previous years’ question papers, i was comfortable in attempting the questions. I also found that some question were taken from previous papers. Reasoning and Maths were moderate, however, only one rough sheet was provided to us, which was insufficient. Gk was easy and English was a bit tough.”

There were four sections in SSC CGL Examination, namely: Quantitative Aptitude, General Intelligence, General Awareness and English Language.

To check the full question paper of  SSC CGL slot-1, August 27, 2016. click here

SSC has also released the admit cards for candidates taking the CGL exam from September 03, 2016. Here is a direct link to the admit card section for all regions. click here

You can also check the comprehensive list of important topics for further slots of SSC CGL, click here