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Syndicate Bank – Specialist Officer Exam will be held on March 03,2015

Dear readers,

Syndicate Bank has released the date of online exam for the post of Specialist Officer.

Online Examination for all the eligible candidates who have applied for the Specialist Officer for various post will be held on 08.03.2015 at Ahmedabad, Bengaluru, Chennai,
Delhi, Hyderabad, Kolkata and Mumbai.

Please click on the following link to view the notice:…

Specialist Officer Post – 

1. Chief Manager – Law Scale (SMGS -IV)

2. Chief Manager – IT (SMGS-IV)

3. Senor Manager – IT (MMGS-III)

4. Technical Officer – Civil (JMGS-I)

5. Technical Officer – Electrical (JMGS-I)

Note: Online Examination Call letters will be made available for downloading
after 27.02.2015