Trump is POTUS: How media from across the world reported the event

As Donald Trump takes over reigns of USA as its 45th President, here is a look at how this event was reported around the world.

ChinaDaily (China) reported Trump’s inaugural as ‘Conflicted US capital prepares to host Trump’s inauguration’. The report reads about how this election was one of the most polarised in US history. It also reminds its readers that Trump got only four per cent of the vote in this ‘conflicting US capital’, i.e. District of Columbia.

LeMonde (France) reports about  January 20,2017 as Trump’s ‘D-Day’. The report quotes Trump saying that from now on, the country will be first for him. He is introduced as having no experience in politics, military or diplomacy but will succeed Barack Obama as head of the world power.

Dawn (Pakistan) reports of Trump being sworn in as 45th President and promising his fellow Americans to root out radical Islamic terrorism. This motto being at the heart of his foreign policy and working with allies to destroy the militant threat.

The Sydney Morning Herald (Australia) reports ‘US swears in its 45th President’. It also says that  Trump is taking control of a divided country. The reports also quotes Trump promising to transfer power from Washington back to people.

Xinhua News (China) reports Trump’s swearing-in as ‘extraordinary rise to pinnacle of power for the 70-year old billionaire businessman’. It also describes Trump as ‘who fiercely took aim at the establishment during one of the most divisive campaigns in modern US history.’

The Washington Post (USA) reports about the immediate change in the White House website as soon as Trump took oath. The report describes the website as containing rehash of many of Trump’s campaign promises.

The Guardian (UK)  reports Trump’s swearing in as ‘American Carnage’. It reports that Trump’s vision has cast a shadow over a day of celebrations.

Der Zeitung (Germany) described Trump’s speech as ‘brief and patriotic’, referring to his aim of eliminating radical terrorism and bringing jobs back to the country.

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