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Verbal Aptitude Quiz for CAT

Dear readers,

This quiz consists of questions from
various past Cat papers. Leave your answers/ responses in the
comments section below and soon we’ll let you know the correct answers!

for questions 1 – 5: Each of the questions presents a sentence, part of which
is underlined. Beneath the sentence you will find four ways of phrasing the
underlined part. Follow the requirements of standard written English to choose
your answer, paying attention to grammar, word choice, and sentence
construction. Select the answer that produces the most effective sentence; your
answer should make the sentence clear, exact, and free of grammatical error. It
should also minimize awkwardness, ambiguity, and redundancy.

1. When I first became brand manager, we
were spending most of our advertising budget to promote our products in the
winter. It had worked in North America and Europe, where people caught colds
mainly in that season. Our monthly volume
data suggested however that stubbornly
we were shipping a lot of VapoRub
between July and September, the hot monsoon season.

A. Our monthly volume data
suggested however that stubbornly

B. However, our monthly
volume data stubbornly suggested that

C. However, our volume data
suggested stubbornly that monthly

D. Stubbornly speaks our
volume data on a monthly basis, however that

2. The growth rate of companies in several
sectors like food, personal care, automobiles, banking and retail in the
develop world are flattening. These
companies for maintaining their growth rates and margins are looking upon the
emerging markets in Asia and Latin America.

These companies for maintaining their growth rates and margins are looking upon
the emerging markets in Asia and Latin America.

To maintain their growth rates and margins these companies look at the emerging
markets in Asia and Latin America

The emerging markets of Asia and Latin America are looked at by these companies
to maintain their growth rates and margins

These companies are looking at the emerging markets in Asia and Latin America
for maintaining their growth rates and margins.

3. People who do good work to the corporation wherever they are whatever they do will be assets
to the valued corporation.

A. good work to the
corporation wherever they are whatever they do will be assets to the valued

B. good work – wherever they
are, whatever they do-will be valued assets to the corporation.

C. whatever good they do the
corporation, wherever they are will be valued assets

D. good to the corporation
whatever work they do wherever they are will be valued assets.

4. From what landscapes or flowerbeds would future painters draw their inspiration? Would move
poets to craft their symphonies, composers to contemplate the meaning of God,
and philosophers write their sonnets.

painters draw their inspiration? Would move poets to craft their symphonies,
composers to contemplate the meaning of God, and philosophers write their

painters draw their inspiration? Would move poets to write their sonnets,
composers to craft their symphonies and philosophers to contemplate the meaning
of God

philosophers draw their inspiration? Would move poets to write their sonnets,
composers to craft their symphonies, and painters to contemplate the meaning of

philosophers to contemplate the meaning of God? Would move painters to draw
their inspiration, composers to write their sonnets, and poets to craft their

5. Car sales in the country rose at an annualized rate
of 7.8% in June, helped by a spate of
new models and falling borrowing costs bringing new buyers back.

A. spate of new models and
falling borrowing costs bringing new buyers back

B. luring of new models and
falling borrowing costs bringing new buyers back

C. bringing of new models
back, spate in borrowing costs, and falling new buyers

D. bringing back the
borrowing costs, falling in new models, and spate in new models.

Directions for questions 6 –
10: Select the most suitable synonym for the underlined word in the sentence.

6. The book did not get much acclaim because of its pedantic style of writing.

A. radical                    

B. dogmatic                

C. esoteric                  

D. applicative

7. The policy announcement was made much to the chagrin of the farmers.

A. euphoria

B. placation

C. glee

D. mortification

8. The leader summoned the group and told that the
time has come to act and not genuflect.

A. grovel

B. procrastinate

C. renounce

D. incriminate

9. The stentorian
honks of the marching fleet could be heard for miles.

A. rhythmic

B. euphonious

C. blaring

D. subdued

10. Noticing the behaviour of the audience in the
amphitheater, the performer was more bemused
than bitter.

A. amused

B. bewildered

C. enlightened

D. enthused

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1(b)    2(d)    
3(b)    4(b)     5(a)    
6(b)   7(d)    8(a)    
9(c)    10(b)