VA: 87.51
DiLr: 89.94
QA: 98.24
OA: 96.64
Category : General female
Chances of call??
3+ work experience in Manufacturing industry
VA: 87.51
DiLr: 89.94
QA: 98.24
OA: 96.64
Category : General female
Chances of call??
3+ work experience in Manufacturing industry
VA/DILR/QA: 70.68/62.13/89.25 overall:80.52 percentile. Category: ST 10th/12th/graduation: 86.8/80.8/64 No work ex Should I apply?? Any chances of getting a call??
VARC: 79.98
DILR: 98.2
QA: 65.95
Overall: 86.28
Category: OBC
Work ex: 17 months
Any chances?
CAT OA 95.55 (VARC/LRDI/QA - 92.75/94.77/92.47)
X/XII/B.Tech.- 86/82/73.4 Work Ex- 26 months (IT)
What are the chances of getting a call ??
Can the sectional cutoff for general go below 86.5ile in lrdi. Has that ever happened?
What could be the NC OBC cutoff for NITIE PDGIM.? Its showing 75 is the cutoff last year.
Shall I apply for NITIE where my score is 75.36 NC OBC?.
Category : Gen
VA: 77.23 LRDI: 96.33 QA:99.15
What are the chances of getting a call?
Category: NC-OBC
VA:94.50, DI&LR : 49.71, QA: 98.95
Overall: 96.09
Any chances of getting a call? is there any sectional cutoff?
CAT OA 98.78
(VARC/LRDI/QA - 94.75/94.77/98.57)
X/XII/B.Tech.- 96/86.4/82 Work Ex- 30 months (ENERGY & INFRASTRUCTURE)
I have a interest in PGDISEM over PGDIM as my profile is design, safety and sustainibilty related. But I getting a lower opinion about this course in terms of placement and career prospects. Kindly please help me with this.
CAT OA- 98.65(85.35,98,99.3) 10/12/Btech- 92.8/73.2/62 Work Experience- 15months Should I apply for NiTie?
cat 2017 OA:84.75 Verbal:72.98 DI:87.31 Quant:86.10 NCL-OBC
10/12/grad = 85.4/80.77/73.70
Can I expect a call from NITIE?
OA - 85.58
VARC - 77.27
DILR - 84.18
QA - 86.81
10th - 88.60% 12th - 88.25% Grad - 83.4%
Work exp. - 17 months
Category - NC-OBC Male Engineer
Do I stand a chance for getting a call?
VA 91.2
LRDI 99.09
QA 96.21
OA 98.16
10/12/GRAD: 93/86/78
work ex 20 months in IT
How good are my chances of getting a call? and converting?
Is anyone else facing issue while uploading photograph? When I try to upload the photograph, I get error message that " Format should be jpg only" even when my format is already in JPG.
Please help..!!!!!!
Does PGDISEM have section cutoff criteria?? If yes... What are the expected cutoff for general category. My scores OA 95.35 Varc 68.21 Dilr 98.41 Qa 96.90 Should i even fill the form(concern varc section)... Please give some suggestions
verbal 88.99
dilr 95.12
QA 98.83
OA 98.08
GEM 3+work ex
X/XII 81.2/87.2
what are my chances for call PGDIM ?
Hello everyone :) CAT OA: 93.74 VA : 91.2 LRDI: 96.06 QA: 87.24 Xth : 89.3 XIIth : 90.4 GRAD(Engineering) : 62.8 FRESHER NC-OBC Will I get a call? Thank you.
CAT OA: 94.72
VARC: 87.99
DILR: 97.06
QA: 91.23
General Engineer Male - 2 years workex
X 90.15 XII 71.23 Undergrad 69.7
Do i stand to a chance to get a call ?
87/81/84 Overa all - 87 NC OBC What r my chances for call?