[OFFICIAL] XLRI - Xavier School of Management PGDM Admissions 2023-2025

All the Best for XAT 2022 from Team External Linkages - XLRI.

Please feel free to use this thread for any doubts or clarifications required about XLRI or the admission process. We, the PR and Branding team, would try our best to clarify any and all issues posed.


The official answer key for XAT 2022 release date? There is bit of confusion with answer keys from few coaching institutes differing and candidates are in a dilemma.

Hey, the results are out! We wish you the best for the upcoming interviews!


when will XLRI calls be released?

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Can you please help with the cutoffs(both sectionals and well as overall )for XAT 2022 for ximb and xlri?


Hey Everyone! The cutoffs will be released after the calls are rolled out. We are in talks with the Admissions Office to expedite the process.

All the best for the process!


HUL Changemakers 2022

Opportunity to win HUL PPI even before entering XL

At 92.34%ILE can I expect a call for HRM?
GEM with 42 months of workex
QA/VA/DM - 95 / 71.7 / 77

Hey when can we expect the calls to be out?


Calls out. Recieved an email from institute.

Should I be quick in selecting my interview slots? So that I can get my preffered slots. Also is it required to fill the candidate profile form detailing all my achievements while selecting the slot?

People interested in mock interviews and interview prep, DM.

DISCLAIMER : This is a completely voluntary mentorship program initiated by a group of XLRI students in their individual capacity to help aspirants in the preparation of GDPI processes. Your enrolment in this program is not going to affect your selection to the courses at XLRI.

Please fill in the form here, to indicate your interest in being contacted for mentorship by current XLRI students.


The deadline for filling the form is 10/02/2022.

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Will XLRI conduct GD this yearor it will be like last year only PI?


As per the last communication with the Admissions Office, they are planning to keep a GD round this year. However, this discussion is still in progress and hasn’t been finalized yet. An email will be sent from the AO to your registered email ID as soon the process is confirmed.

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When will the gdpi slot booking start?

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Ok. And when can we expect this communication?

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Will we be notified before the slot opening or will it come as surprise with no notification like result and shortlist came ?

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Hi, in the question for our XLRI form, 'During the last year, have you done anything to advance your knowledge in any domain? If yes, explain. If not, what could you have done? ’ , is it necessary to talk about MBA related domains? Also, I have done 4 courses on marketing last year. I definitely do not have complete knowledge about marketing. Would it be risky to write marketing? Thank you!

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The slot booking is on now.