CAT Study Material | CAT Syllabus | CAT 2017- PaGaLGuY

I want gud study material of time .. can someone provide me in cheap rates

Hi, i wanna sell all TIME & IMS CAT and CET materials with 15 full length paper based CAT mock test from TIME. Apart from this i also have NMAT original official guide print out copy 2016 & 2015 both, SNAP guide book and CETKING CET books. If anyone needs it pm me.

i want cl smart cat cracker videos. agar kisike pass ho toh please contact me [email protected]


anyone selling cl material in varanasi??/ please cntct me [email protected]


i want byju and time videos... if someone can sell it to me, it would be helpful

Hi I need practice test/ test series of time/cl for cat 2017 , if anybody would like to share it with me ? Plz tell .

I want Time or IMS material..Anyone selling

Anyone selling CL study material in Delhi ? Please message me.

Is anybody willing to sell their RC and VA book by Arun sharma? Urgently needed. Comment soon!

need arun sharma di book in varanasi, anyone willing to sell??

Anyone can pls share hundakafunda CAT a/c?

Anyone can share time/CL online course 

I am selling my time study material (2015 batch) which includes set of 23 books, vocabulary flash cards and classroom practice papers. This is full time classroom course study material. I am selling it for Rs. 3500. I also have 3 other books VA and RC by Arun Sharma, Quantum CAT by Sarvesh Verma and A new Approach to reasoning ( verbal, non verbal and analytical) by BS Sijwali. These 3 books i am selling for Rs.1000.  Out of these I have only used Time's 6-7 books. Rest all are unused. 

I am located in Bangalore. If anyone interested please PM me.  

 I have Byju videos  and I  want to sell it.Anyone interested please comment

Hi I have IMS CAT preparation full materials for sale at reasonable price. Interested parties WhatsApp me at 9746013250 or contact me via email: [email protected]

CAT Preparation material available at reasonable prices. Those who are interested, contact me at [email protected] or WhatsApp at 8197765977.

P.S. Material is in Mumbai. So contact only if you can pick it up or you're ready to pay the packaging and delivery charges. Thanks

Could anyone provide me the study material for cat

Hey guys ,I have time video lectures and time material of 2011. Will it be fine if I prepare for cat from this material ??

Hey guys, i have barely used TIME material, one quant book by Arun Sharma, AIMCATS with solutions, Vocab cue cards and some old Career Launcher material that i want to sell. Please ping me on 9619740927 or email me at [email protected]

 Hello friends you can refer the below video for multiplying any number with series of 9.