I am not sure which obc-nc format needs to be followed as the format mentioned on CAT official website is different from the one mentioned on common admission mba portal of IIITs.Please suggest and advise which certificate format to follow.
Hi, what do we write in the "Discipline/Subject" section for Class 10 details? There was no specilisation and there is a charachter limit so not being able to add all the subject names.
As they say iit madras have a good cutoff around 97 for general but averagepackage of just nearly 12 lakhs why does people with such high marks go to iit madras where they can find many better options
Passed out in 2019. CAT - 89.22%ile VA - 99.21%ile LRDI - 61.19%ile QA - 64.3%ile 10th/Tech. Diploma/B.E.I.T - 70/69.29/59% - 6.62/10 CGPI Working as a Jr. Digital Marketing Executive since Aug '19. Chances of a call and conversion? Should I fill the form? Last year for eligibility it was mentioned that you needed 60% in your undergrad or 6.5cgpi but it says only 60% this year.. pls help resolve my confusion.