Engineering Services Examination (ESE/IES) 2019

Any group for ies prepartion 2015 discssion

Result date kisi ne pata kiya?

Anyone called upsc for final result

yar is friday to holiday kya ab next friday tak wait krna padega result ke liye ?

Hey Folks,

Back in January'15, I tried to google ESE interviews, didn't find many. So thought of sharing mine, hope it helps...

My profile: B. Tech Civil Engineering; IIT Kanpur; CPI : 8.1

Hobby: Solving puzzles, Table Tennis

Job: Analyst, Chennai for 6 months (At a firm which offered short term loans in UK)

Panel: Manbir Singh (The board was cordial and tried to get answers in case you were unable to answer perfectly at first go)

Score: 130


Chairperson: So you were earning good, why did you leave your job? Was the job too hectic?

Me: Answered (Everyone has an answer prepared for this question, I too had one)

Chairperson: What did you do there?

Me: Answered

Chairperson: What are Green field projects?

Me: I am not aware of it.

Panel Member 1: What is sub critical flow?

Me: Sub critical flow is one in which if you throw a stone one celerity moves backward and one forward. (An indirect answer, I agree)

Panel member 1: Is there any member?

Me: Froude's number

Panel member 1: What should be its value and then asked the value for supercritical flow?

Me: Less than 1 for Sub critical flow and greater than 1 for supercritical flow.

Panel member 1: What is hydraulic Jump and where do we find one and where is it used?

Me: Answered correctly (As far as I know)

Panel member 2: So you worked in Chennai, what is the difference between constructing a structure there and in Kanpur.

Me: Saline water which corrodes steel and deteriorates concrete.

Panel member 2: How will you deal with it?

Me: Using sulphate resistant concrete (I realized this was a wrong answer)

Panel member 2: From where does Bisleri get water?

Me: They pump ground water and sell it after packaging.

Panel member 2: Directly, don't they treat it?

Me: Yes, they treat it, using some membrane filters.  (This was the answer they wanted at the first instance).

Panel Member 3: What is the difference between compaction and consolidation?

Me: Answered

Panel Member 3: Why clay and sand behave differently?

Me: Answered

Chairperson: Ok, you may go now.

Me: Stood up and went outside the room (Forgot to say Thank you!)

(I felt that it was impossible to make eye contact with everyone because one might have to rotate one's head 180 degrees to do so. Anyway, good luck with that!)

My preparation for interview

After written exam (June 20, 2014), I never touched civil till mid-December.

I quickly tried to cram the syllabus in a month but was not able to do it comprehensively. As a result, I was quite nervous on the day of interview.

Mock interviews: I did join Madeeasy's mock interviews, gave a mock interview 3 days before the actual one.

I do not think it helped a lot probably because I was not completely prepared then and also I took it very lightly. They do give some good suggestion: For example, they recommended me to restrict my hand movements and I tried my best to so.

I feel joining some mock interview is a good idea but at the same time it is also important to take it seriously.

can anyone suggest me good organisations for summer training and industrial training near Delhi or in Delhi. ....PLz give  some advice...

What must be the reasons for such high cutoff this year?

Cutoff was like 20% more than last 10 years cut off.  

Civil cutoff increased from 510 - 572 => 62+

Mechanical                         584 - 595 => 11 + 

Electrical                              531 - 623 => 94+ !!!

EnT                                       636 - 657 => 21+

Preference exercised by successful candidates are up on railway website..

Annyone tell me in this yr how much cutoff increase in civil

This post is for BE/Btech/AMIE pass out (Section A & B), Civil Engg student & wish to prepare for Indian Engineering Service (conducted by UPSC) IES study material of year 2009 available at a very special discount rate : Rs 4000/- +Rs 500/- (courier charge) (I bought from made easy publication, Delhi for my preparation & now want to sell it) Very good study materials. Please contact me at :[email protected] or mobile:9933323869

a) Steel Design - 03 booklet b) Structural Analysis & Plastic design - 03 booklet c) Strength of material - 04 booklets d) Construction practice planning & management- 04 booklet e) Surveing- 03 booklet f) Transportation Engineering- 03 booklet g) Fluid Mechanics- 03 booklets h) RCC & Prestressed concrete- 03 booklets i) Building Materials- 02 booklet j) G.S & English k) General English made easy l) Hydrology & Irrigation- 04 booklet m) Environmental engineering- 03 booklet n) Soil mechanics & foundation engineering- 03 booklet o) Civil engineering objective type (paper-I & II)

This post is for BE/Btech/AMIE pass out (Section A & B), Civil Engg student & wish to prepare for Indian Engineering Service (conducted by UPSC) IES study material of year 2014 available at a very special discount rate : Rs 6000/- +Rs 500/- (courier charge) (I bought from made easy publication, Delhi for my preparation & now want to sell it) Very good study materials. Please contact me at :[email protected] or mobile:9933323869

IES study material of year 2014 a) General English-01 b) General ability-01 c) General Studies- Vol I & II d) Structural Analysis - 03 booklet e) Environmental engineering- 03 booklet f) Design of Steel structure - 03 booklet g) Soil mechanics & foundation engineering- 03 booklet h) Construction practice planning & management- 03 booklet i) Hydrology & Irrigation- 03 booklet j) Strength of material - 03 booklets k) RCC & Prestressed concrete- 03 booklets l) Fluid Mechanics- 03 booklets m) Building Materials- 02 booklet n) Railway Engineering- 03 Nos o) Highway Engg & surveying- 04 Nos

How much can the cuttoff for ESE 2015 civil can increase/decrease this time and how was the level compared to ESE 2014.

What do you think about the difficulty level of ESE 2015 Civil and how much u attempted??? PLZ comment....

please post your objective marks & attempt in convention so we all can figure out our average performances

for me its


165+145=310(attemted) assuming 60% aaccuracy=186


Tips for interview preparation for Civil ESE -2015? Is there any study material avalaible related to it?.Please comment..

Hi guys... please suggest 

I m getn

obj - 293

Conventional- 290(attempt).

General category..

Ne chances for selection or interview ???

Obj Total in Civil Engineering ESE-2015:

  • 320-330
  • 330

  • 310-320
  • 300-310
  • 290-300
  • 280-290
  • <280

0 voters

Conventional Correct after self checking: (Not Total Attempted) in civil engineering ESE 2015

  • 300-320
  • <200
  • 200-220
  • 220-240
  • 240-260
  • 320

  • 260-280
  • 280-300

0 voters

I'm getting 306 in objective n 177 in subjective (checked wid my frnds)(general), wat r my chances? 

I am getting something around 190-200 in objective ppr and 110+75 in conventional ppr.........SC category......pls tell about my chances.......