Food Safety Officer Exam ( All India & States )

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F. S. O niymawali not approved by jpsc File send to karmic bhibhag

Any update on FSO Exam????

Do you know these important dates of cpo? Dnt know then click here

anybody selected in dsssb fso for tier-ii ?

Guys any news about jharkhand FSO??

Lagta hai jpsc ki aukat hi nai rahi exam le pana.

2018 so pahle nahi lene wali hai

Any idea about training which is essential qualification for dsssb food safety officer??

anyone who appeared for DSSSB FSO 45/13 tier-2??

SC Category ki expected cutt off kya ho sakti hai?

can anyone tell me how is this FOOD SAFETY OFFICER job when compared to ssc-cgl jobs?   

Guys...if u look in the FSS gazzete rules 2011 (hindi language wale me ) ...section 2.1.3 

FSO Qualifiacation - degree or training

But In english language is degree and training...

What is true...???

guys any idea about JPSC FSO EXAM??

Life is beautiful

when will DSSSB publish answer key of food safety officer examination?? any idea?

hello everyone, 

I appeared for DSSSB FSO Tier 2 Exam on 11.06.2017.  I am hoping to get aroun 105 marks. do I have the chance to get qualified in top 13 in general category?

I s this group also on Watsapp?

Please also let everyone know if Training is mandatory? Or it will be provided to the shortlisted candidates?

Could you please share dssb question for f.s.o ??

To all the people who have appeared in dsssb FSO tier II

it was written in notification that they will publish answer key on 26 june 2017 n now it's 4 july there is no single notice regarding this...they did the same during tier 1, i urge u people to file an rti asking them about the answer key and result as well... i have also filed an rti.. create pressure on them... otherwise they will delay this process more.