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Changes Coming in Bank Selections;To Restrict Multiple Offers
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really Great guys ...........
14 days remaining ...............please start the discussion PUYS
Hey Dreamy girl plz tell particular name of this website. This link is not opening cause of company restriction.
Can any one discuss last day 4th section of SBI clerical GK, 3.06.2012.
What do u underdtand by this :
Rs . 4410-215/3-5055-335/3-6060-470/4-7940-500/3-9440-560/4-11680-970/1-12650-560/1-13210
I mean i know it's the salary structure but how do u look at it???
Wt is the method of understanding this???
@[571137:jashholmes]: your first basic salary would be 4410. which would be incremented each year by 215 for 3 years or your next promotion to 5055. then 335 each yr for 3 yrs and so.
120th Birth Anniversary of Subhash Chandra Bose (Born Jan 23, 1897)
· Influenced by ideas of Swami Vivekananda and Aurobindo Ghosh
· Mobilized All-Bengal Young Men’s Conference in 1920s towards freedom struggle
· 1938- Haripura Session, President of Congress. Bose wanted to take advantage of Britain’s political instability and revolt against them using violent means if necessary. According to Bose, this would ensure freedom.
· Organised the National Planning Commission (NPC), a precursor to Planning Commission formed in independent India. NPC would formulate a plan for industrialization of India.
· 1939- following fallout with other members of Congress, Bose established his own political organisation called “Forward Bloc”. He also started a newspaper by the same number.
· Was put under house arrest by British for his views. He escaped in 1941 to Berlin. · Established “Free India Centre” in 1941 from Berlin.
· 1943- Bose travelled to Japan and established Indian National Army or Azad Hind Fauz. Also started “Azad Hind Radio”. It was made by Indian resident in South East Asia.
· With help of Japanese, Bose intended to launch an armed assault on British forces in North East India. But suffered a defeat as Japanese withdrew support.
· He later died in a plane crash in 1945.
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