My scores are :QS:72,LS:66,LR:61,OA:199
What are my chances for NMIMS bangalore and mumbai?
Thanks in advance!!!
My scores are :QS:72,LS:66,LR:61,OA:199
What are my chances for NMIMS bangalore and mumbai?
Thanks in advance!!!
QS 74 LS 68 LR 63 OA 205
What are the chances for Mumbai ??
I took my 2nd attempt of NMAT on 1st Dec 2014 in Ahmedabad. I wish to go for 3rd retake as well. As per the regulation my 3rd attempt should be 15 days later ie 17/12/2014 on wards. But no such slot is available in any of the centers either in Ahmedabad or in Mumbai. Will new slots be opened or am i required to book a slot in some different city. Please let me know asap............
Hello I got 174 as total, QS-69, LS-45,LR-60 any chances in NMAT???
OS 197....Any chances for Mumbai ? i have a retake scheduled for 16th though.
MY overall score216. But QS 74. Doubtful of QS.Gave my retake but doubtful there too What is your opinion guys. ? Will I clear the cut off?
NMAT 1 - QS - 72, LS - 66, LR - 61, OA-199
NMAT 2 - QS - 71, LS - 59, LR - 64, OA-194
Please tell me the chances in both Bangalore and Hyderabad NMIMS.Thanks in Advance!!!
I have given the test on 19 dec, when can i see the score for that
OA - 204
QA - 73, LS - 66, LR - 65
Any chances of mumbai?
LR-61, Eng-59, Quant.-88 Total-208 any chance for Mumbai campus?
When can I expect the result for the 5th window, i.e., the test taken on 7th DEC?? 😕
Can you help me out here?
Only one attempt on 2nd Dec 2014
QS - 75, LS - 75, LR - 67, Overall - 217
Chances at Mumbai Campus? What are the cutoffs?
191 - any chance from any of the NMs
Nmat 5th window...........what could be the section wise cutoff for mumbai campus....please suggest.M optimistic abt my results..only thing worrying me is quant cutoff.........
I scored overall -200
LR-66 in NMAT
I am from engineering background with graduation(till 7 semesters)-91%
Can I expect a call from NMIMS Mumbai or Banglore?
NMAT score 184...any chance of getting a call from any of the 3 campuses??
what is the sectional wise cut off of 5th window NMIMS?
OA-202 ,quant-71 lr-71 ls-58(god knows how!!!) Any chance of making it?
How many will NMIMS call for CD-PI and at what time will they happen generally?
What %le can I expect for 218?
OA-205 Quant-81 LS-63 LR-61....any chance of making it??