EWS WL 154
What are the chances?
- Convert in 2nd list
- Difficult to convert
- Convert in 3rd list or after it
0 voters
EWS WL 154
What are the chances?
0 voters
I didn't receive a mail. However on logging on to the IIM U site, it shows my waitlist status. Did this happen to anyone else?
OBCWL 212.. Pls?
0 voters
0 voters
0 voters
Nc OBC WL 550 Chances?
0 voters
Which one to go for ?
0 voters
I have been offered the course but haven't received mail yet. Till when will it be received
Hi! To get a fair idea of the Waitlist movement, you can track this year's admission calendar here:https://www.iimu.ac.in/programs/mba-program/iimu-admission-announcement-calendar-mba-2020-22 And last year's trend at: https://www.iimu.ac.in/programs/mba-program/iimu-admission-announcement-calendar-mba-2019-21
Has IIM Udaipur already sent the mails to the converted candidates or they are yet to sent it?
Hi Adcom team, I wanted to confirm, i have been waitlisted do i need t to make any payment to stay in the active list, like other colleges are asking? Thanks for clarification
NC- OBC : WL 390
Any chance ?
0 voters
@NandiniRCS I have been selected but I don't have my 12th passing certificate as of now and I am not able to collect it from school because of lockdown situation. Could I be given extra time for producing the same for verification at the time of registration?
Sc : wl 24 Any chance?
0 voters
IIM Udaipur- NC OBC
WL- 102
Chances ? Shall i pay Raipur’s amount?
0 voters
How much time is there after the last list of new iims and joining?
Gnwl- 1059 Any chance?
Hi Adcom. I have 2 questions ..
1) Do we need to pay any amount to stay in waitlist for iim udaipur as is the case of some of the other new iims ?
2) What is meant my static waitlist and how does that work ?
Request you to clarify these 2 points
Honest opinion please
0 voters
anybody has waitlist movement stats?