Admin please respond, which is the official link? One link shows invalid details other link cannot load. What should I do?
Any chances?
- No
- Don’t know
- Yes
- May be
0 voters
Adcom can you please share waitlist movement of last year.??
SC Waitlist 193
- Yes
- Maybe
- No
0 voters
WL-1213 NC-OBC Any Chances?
- No
- Poll Check
- Maybe
- Yes
0 voters
Gen WL-710
- Unlikely
- Definitely ho jayega
- Good Chances
- Difficulty
0 voters
GEM waitlisted 98
Chances ?
- PollCheck
- Nhi hoga
- Convert ho jaaega
0 voters
I am unable to login . It is showing invalid id or password. What does this mean ?
Dear Adcom, please let us know how many buffer calls were released for each category.
- Reject
- Maybe
- Convert
0 voters
Got an email of converted ... but cannot load the result on the website !
GEM 95.58
WL 720
- Rejected
- Selected
0 voters
Nc obc waitlist 345 conversion?
- Convert
- Reject
- poll check
0 voters
NC-OBC WL-98 What was last year's movement?
Can anyone please repost last year's WL movement?
Nc- obc wait list 696
any chance of conversion?
- Umeed rakhu
- Nahi hoga
- Hojayega
0 voters
Gen WL 222.
Conversion chances???
IIM Raipur GEN WL-1484
- May Be
- No
- Yes
0 voters
NC OBC WL - 833 Any chances? Genuine answers pls
- Maybe
- Yes
- No
0 voters
waitlisted at category...any chance of conversion???