[OFFICIAL] IIM Raipur Admission Queries (2021-2023)

Hello admin, I have filled the registration form for selected candidates in iim raipur but haven't received any mail regarding document that need to be uploaded. I have also filled the google sheet but wasn't added in the official group. Kindly guide us through this along with the education loan details.


What is the intake for PGP for batch 2021-23?

IIM Raipur

WL- 145 (EWS)

  • High chance of converting
  • bleak chance
  • no chance

0 voters

Waitlist no. at 213

sc category 

is it possible to convert ?


What is the total fees of IIM Raipur after including hostel, mess, tuition and all the other charges ?

IIM Raipur Waitlist General Category: 2840 Any chance of conversion?

Sc-137 waitlist, iim raipur, possible to convert?

Hi, My OBC NCL certificate expired last month and I am facing difficulties in renewing it due to lockdown in my locality. will it be okay?Is there a provision for request form that can be temporarily filled for the time being?

Wait list at 50 St category.... Chances Hai please reply

Dear Adcom Team, The fee structure mentioned in website specify that the rate is exclusive of boarding and mess charges. So where can be get the complete detail of that as well. Bcs we would need it to consider everything in the loan itself. Thanks in advance.

Which one is better??

  • IIM Trichy
  • Poll Check
  • IIM Raipur

0 voters

Which college should one choose, considering I have 3+ years of workex, engineer. Iim udaipur and Trichy has fees 18-19 lakhs, Iim raipur has fees of 14-15lakhs, while IIM Amritsar being new has built a decent reputation has fee of 13.2 lakh

  • IIM Amritsar
  • IIM Trichy
  • IIM Udaipur
  • IIM Raipur
  • Poll check

0 voters

I have waitlist 4270 (General) 

What are the chances to convert??

IIM Raipur

ST WL/219

Can I convert ?

  • Yes
  • Not sure
  • No

0 voters

SC - 256 wl any chance??

General Waiting List 714

  • Pollcheck
  • Yes
  • No
  • Maybe

0 voters

EWS 199

Chances of converting IIM Raipur?

  • Sure shot
  • Not possible
  • Poll Check
  • 50-50

0 voters

Nc- Obc waitlist- 898 What are my chances of conversion ??

  • Maybe
  • No
  • Yes

0 voters

Adcom, Is there any Official Whatsapp group for converted/waitlisted students?