[Official] IIM Raipur Admission Queries [2022-2024]

I had a query regarding the form. In the form we are supposed to upload Sem wise marksheets, but I am a 2019 grad and I only have the consolidated marksheet and the degree. What should I do?

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Hello Aspirant!
Thank you for the query.
For any form related queries, please reach out to the Admissions Office of the CAP 2022 Coordinators.
Stay safe and good luck!

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Hi All
Just wanted to know will the PIs be taken online or offline?

Hi team, I have a query regarding the CAP application.

In CAP form they are asking to upload semester wise mark sheet but as of now I don’t have them, can i upload the consolidated mark sheet which has all information reg all semesters?

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Hello Aspirant!

If you do not have semester wise marksheets, you can provide the consolidated marksheet that clearly mentions the subject name and marks. In case it is unavailable, you can submit an undertaking for the same.
Good luck!

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Hello Aspirant!
Thank you for your query.
PI process will be held online this year.
Good Luck!

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I’m having issue in semester grade card upload form as I have backlog paper grade also, how am I suppose to upload those grade card.

Hello Aspirant!
Upload all your marksheets, in order, as a consolidated file that mentions all your subjects and marks, clearly. This includes the marksheets with your backlogs.
If there is a problem in uploading, please reach out to the Admissions Office of the CAP 2022 coordinators.

Stay safe and all the best!

For extra-curricular activities , our college didn’t provide any certificates .
Can i upload the screenshot of the confirmation mail from my college in the cap registration form.?

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Hello Aspirant!
Thank you for your query.
Please contact the admissions office of the coordinator of CAP 2022 for all form filling queries.

Good Luck!

Dear Aspirants,
Keep a tab of important updates of the process, keep checking our social media to stay tuned with what we have in store for you!!

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Hello Team,

I belong to NC-OBC Category. But while filling forms for IIM’s I mentioned my salary wrongly as 11 lakhs. how can i rectify it and does it have any impact for my interview calls?

Hello Aspirant!
Thank you for the query.
For any form related queries, please reach out to the Admissions Office of the CAP 2022 Coordinators.
Stay safe and good luck!

In IIM Raipur’s 2021-23 RTI reply, The min CS for final offer of admission is 69.45 for General. How is it so high? Do we have to take CAT percentile rather than score? Ex - 95%ile will fetch a score of 0.95*35(CAT Weightage) = 33.25. Or there is some other method?

Hello Aspirant,
IIM Raipur considers the CAT percentile for final CS calculation.
Good Luck!!

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Dear Aspirants,

IIM Raipur’s Flagship CAP Mentoring Program “Margdarshan” is now live!!
Interested students can opt for this program for gaining insights from the students with CAP interview experience.
The Links and other necessary information have been shared with the eligible students by the Admissions Committee via mail.


Does IIM Raipur consider work experience as per CAP form till 31st January 2022 or till 31st July 2021 as per CAT form?


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Hello Aspirant,
The cumulative score will be based on work experience till July 31st 2021.
Good Luck!

@KushaliSindhia In final composite score of IIM Raipur how CAT weightage is calculated?

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We were asked in CAP form till December 31st 2021 for work experience, please provide the right details to remove this ambiguity.