I am getting the message "Login Credentials were Incorrect," as I try to log in on the admissions portal.
Someone from the admissions team kindly help me out.
I am getting the message "Login Credentials were Incorrect," as I try to log in on the admissions portal.
Someone from the admissions team kindly help me out.
@IIMRanchi People who are able to login and see the payment option, but haven't received any email, what about them? Are they selected or not?
How good is iim ranchi mba (BA)
0 voters
WHICH Is Better overall?? Ranchi vs Raipur??
0 voters
What is the waiting list movement for BA in obc category...
Any groups who has converted ? Need to join
HRM OBC WL movements in second list
0 voters
I'm able to login but can see only MBA HR . It says that I have to pay for the same
BUT , why cant I see MBA core there . I was WL 970 in MBA
Anyone ?
Does anyone know how much from the 1 lakh would be deducted if we cancel the admission later?
Today I got final Call from IIM Ranchi .I am a fresher and currently pursuing my UG. I am yet to give my 6th semester exam and as of now it is supposed to happen by end of July/August. So will it create any problem for me in taking admissions? By what time IIM Ranchi classes supposed to commence? @IIMRanchi
Hi! Any link to the official group?
Hi AdCom. I have paid the acceptance fee well in time and wanted to make further payments. However I'm unable to log into the portal. Kindly help with the same
whats the ews movement for core ?
any ews converted guys plz comment
Can't login to Ranchi portal. My waitlist is general 1046 in MBA.
EWS movement today? Any 200 north converts for Core???
gen hr movement??? Above 100 did it cross?
Can someone share details for Bank Loans
Hey, can anyone help me out with the refund policy of IIM Ranchi
BA Gen moved by how much?
Please update ranchi hrm obc number and your contact number will make a small .. group