[Official] IIM Ranchi Aspirants 2021-23

What's wl movement in core program in obc category...please tell

Does the tution fees include course material,library fee,room rent , computer charges etc..?

Hello Aspirants! The 2nd Offer List for admission to IIM Ranchi's 3 programs, MBA, MBA-HR, MBA-BA, is out now. Congratulations to all the fresh converts! Aspirants are requested to check their mail as well as the Admission Portal of IIM Ranchi to check the results. All converted candidates are requested to fill the below attached Google Form to get added to the Official Group: https://forms.gle/bmEG61Wub2MTekbe9 (Please attach the screenshot of the mail) For any queries, please reach out to any of the people mentioned below: Shaloo: +91-9098121093 Prachi: +91-9304046449 Mayank: +91-7077100703 Priya: +91-7223008740

I converted MBA-BA but the Core MBA button has vanished from my dashboard. I had confirmed my interest in BOTH courses. Am I still eligible for the Core program?

I am unable to login on the admission portal. Anyone else also facing the same issue ?

Adcom pls help.

How do we get any confirmation from IIM ranchi regarding payment of acceptance fee ?

Adcom PLEASE HELP. It's been 3 days I am not being able to log into the portal because it says " login credentials are incorrect" and I cannot even check the WL status. Please help.

I can't able to check waitlist number after 2nd list, getting invalid credentials error

Adcom, How can I check my WL no. for MBA. There is no details regarding MBA in the portal. Please reply

Is there any official group to join for HR converts? If yes, how can I join it?


@MayankM2211 @Anuradha_Sharma

Hope youre fine.

Will you please share the movement in the waitlist across all the categories for PGP program.

or atleast tell our updated waitlist rank.


IIM ranchi pgp wl 1630 Chances?

  • By next list
  • By end
  • No chance
  • Poll check

0 voters

NC - OBC waitlist rank 185 for PGP-HRM Chances of conversion is :

  • High
  • won’t convert
  • Low

0 voters

Ews wl number for PGP 771 according to 1st list declared on 21st may. Any chance of conversion??

  • May be
  • Poll check
  • Reject
  • Convert in starting lists
  • In last lists

0 voters

Which is better ?

  • PGP IIM Nagpur
  • PGP IIM Ranchi

0 voters

Team Insite invites you all to visit our Official Facebook Page 


Thank you 

Is there any official group for converts. Converted in the second list.

Iim ranchi pgpm / pgpba all seats are filled or its just a way to attract students. Even BLACKIs dont play like ranchi... its the only management school i guess who doesn't comply transparency norms !!!

Guys who were waitlisted for iim ranchi previously, but converted in the recent list. Please mark your waitlist number previously ( GENERAL CATEGORY)

NOTE -" Please try commenting your watlist number with which you converted as it helps people to unerstand the waitlist movement as IIM ranchi is not showing it".

  • 700-800
  • 1-700
  • 1000+(Please comment your waitlist number)
  • 950-1000
  • 900-950
  • 800-900
  • Still in waitlist(If you know, Please comment the waitlist number of someone you know who converted)

0 voters

Hey adcom people, Is the 1 lac acceptance fee refundable ? And if someone withdraws admission after 4th June, can he /she get the money back ? Regards