[Official] IIM Ranchi Aspirants 2021-23

Any folks waitlisted in ews in core?

Does the waitlist say if it's a General one or NC OBC?? Mine just said WL.- 990

at what time will the 3rd list out today?

Hi Adcom, I have paid the fees to lock the seat and have also sent out the email but now, when I am trying to login, the portal says "incorrect credentials". Is anyone else facing the same?

Hi adcom, can you tell how much fees will be refunded out of the 3.8lacs fees if someone withdraws after the Registration Date i.e. 18th June but before 30th June since it is not very clear in the withdrawal policy?

3rd list kis time aayegi?

Any movement in MBA-BA in general category?

Asking in a neutral group.

  • IIM Trichy
  • IIM Udaipur

0 voters

IIM Ranchi PGP waitlisted at 606 NC-OBC. Any chance of converting?

  • No
  • Yes
  • Don’t know

0 voters

when will the second waitlist results of IIM Ranchi be announced today? 

Please guys its a request to all of you who fall in nc-obc.. If you have converted your waitlist in 1st waitlist or 2nd waitlist please answer the poll

Its my humble request to all of you…
Congratulations for the conversation…

And kindly if you could please put down the waitlist in which you have converted as well as your waitlist number…

Thank you :pray::pray:

  • 301-400
  • 200-300
  • 601-700
  • Poll check.
  • 501-600
  • 401-500

0 voters

Dear seniors of IIM Ranchi, I had initially thought that the total fees was 2.8 lakhs, so accordingly i had paid 1 lakhs for seat reservation and the remaining 1.8 lakhs yesterday itself. But now i am coming to know that the entire fees is actually 3.8 lakhs. So should i pay the remaining amount of 1 lakhs again to IIM Ranchi account and mail the admin department the payment receipt? Please help. Romana Shaw this side


This is to inform all the aspirants that IIM Ranchi will NOT release the next list today, as per the Admissions Office.

The next list will be released as per the requirement, and the updated date for the next release will be communicated on PAGALGUY.

Thank you for your patience.

kya dukhi kiya hai aaj

IIM Ranchi MBA-BA 1080 NC-OBC initial waitlist any chances?

its showing incorrect login credentials whenever i am trying to login

How many of you paid acceptance fee for more than 1 iim

What is the last date to withdraw admission from IIM Ranchi?

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What is the chance of conversion for WL 191 ( MBA   HR  ).  I have already paid fee in BIM, Trichy where classes start on 23rd. Will the conversion take place before that.

What was the general category Waitlist rank of the last selected person after 1st waitlist movement?