[Official] IMT Nagpur Admissions 2022 - 24

Any news of results?

IMT N and H results out. See your portal.


No result portal in my id... Yet to recieve result option or everything is done?

On my portal it is showing only waitlist no 299 ( which is most probably for ghaziabad campus.) so everyone who got selected for nagpur gave only imt nagpur interviews right?

Which one to select?

  • IMT Nagpur (PGDM)
  • Symbiosis Centre for Information Technology (MBA-IT Business Management)

0 voters

For IMT Nagpur/hyd. results check admissions.imt.edu


GOT Wl299 for ghaziabad 

  • will get dcp
  • will convert nagpur
  • kuch n milna

0 voters

in my IMT offer status it is showing only waitlisted WL, no number is mentioned, what does that mean?

Any whtsapp group for IMT Nagpur converts?

anyone who gave interview for ghaziabad campus and been able to convert nagpur ?

Anyone from WB got any mail or result tab in their portal for IMT N or H

So i got selected for dcp program. Does that mean i wont be considered for imt nagpur?

Got selected in IMT nagpur Can anyone help what should I do?

converted Imt nagour what to do next ??

If any mail received by selected or wait listed candidates

They give equal weightage to cat or cmat ...??

I am not able to see my result even when I log into the candidate profile. Help me out.

Got selected at IMT Nagpur for PGDM(Marketing)....is it at par with general pgdm ??