What is the syllabus for LPUNEST?
What is the last date of LPUNEST MBA registration?
How can i choose the MBA specialization ?
What is the entrance test required for MBA ?
How are the faculties for MBA ?
What are the mediums LPU is using for virtual classes due to COVID-19 for MBA students?
Where i can apply online for admission ?
From where i can know the syllabus of my MBA programme ?
Does Flipkart visits the campus for MBA operation students?
What is the last date of online admission for those who appeared for LPUNEST in January?
Is interview compulsory for the MBA admission?
What is the maximum percentage of scholarship we will get after qualifying LPUNEST?
Anyone looking for a admission in Pune /Mumbai can Join these .... group https://chat.....com/E5U6rX2qt09BRiuF8IxIlI
Can I get admission in MBA from my MAT marks that is 75 percentile?
Is it necessary for the students of MBA(Hons.) to stay in the hostels?
Are there any cheap accommodations near LPU? I am having an interview at LPU soon.
What courses are offered at LPU?
How big is the LPU Campus ?
Is LPU worth Joining ?
What is an LPUNEST kit?