Finallyyy, converted.. :)
Waiting list is 55 (General) any chances of conversion?
Waiting list - 329 :(
Chances? Let me know in comments
0 voters
Sibm Hyderabad First merit list released today My place is 31 waiting list What are the chances of final conversion
Waiting list 208 general any chances? Please respond anyone
Waiting list 400.Should I wait?
WL 40 (General). Any chances?
any chance of converting with merit list 153
Waiting list 28, conversion chances? And by when will the conversion confirmed if done?
waiting list 31
general category
snap score 63.38/150
percentile 83.38
chances to convert?
- yes
- maybe
- no
0 voters
Waiting list 137...chances to convert?
How many lists can we expect this year?
What is your GEPIWAT Score?
- 30-35
- 25-30
- 20-25
- 15-20
- 35-40
- 40-45
- 45-50
- 10-15
0 voters
waiting list 31.
chances to convert?
Waiting list 184 .. Any chances?
Waiting list 137...any chances of coverting?
Waiting list 15. Will I be able to convert in the next merit list?
Converted. Not joining waitlist will move by one :-)
Waiting list 137.....any chances???? What are the possibilities?