chances of conversion at wl 121
Converted ☺☺☺
Waitlist number 31! Chances of conversion?
Waitlist 284 . Ny chance ??
wl 144 any chances ?
Waiting list 92 What are my chances?? Do I need to confirm/pay to the college as of now ??
Waitlist 136 chances?
Waitlist 23. People who have converted. Congrats.!! Tell me what is the first installment and date.. i will start arranging from now. Also refund policy.
What is the scope of mba agribusiness for a person with non agri background? If you can tag someone with this profile, please do so.
WL 56. Any chances?
Got through for their IB program . 😀😊 Their 1st fee installment for confirming this provisional admission offer is giving me the jitters though! 😓
I got waiting of 102 in I have any chance??
Any chance for wl 679?? Please some seniors can help me on this!! Thanks in advance..
Converted. SIIB E&E
Waiting list 298.. chances to convert ??
i got waitlisted for E&E number 7
do i have any chance
Waitlist 213 ....any chance ?
Waitlist 106 , any chance ? (only call i had this year )
Waitlist 338 for IB... Any chances of conversion?