[PrincetonReview] GMAT Verbal Prep

Since it has been found that Erythema Annulare Centrifugum (EAC)rashes occur in the thighs of people who eat blue cheese, doctors have recommended patients to stay away from all products having blue cheese. However, this did not impact the incidence of EAC rash cases. Thus, there may be another cause of EAC rashes.

Which of the following, if true, would most seriously undermine the conclusion above?

Cholesterol levels in the blood of Watanabe rabbits soar dangerously high. Too much cholesterol in the blood causes atherosclerosis, a build-up of fatty plaques in the arteries, and these rabbits usually die of a heart attack by age two. Similarly, children with the genetic disease, familial hypercholesterolemia, inherit two copies of the defective gene and have cholesterol levels three to seven times higher than normal children. It is found that these children usually die of heart attacks before they reach their twenties.

Which of the following can be inferred from the information given in the passage?

The new tax policy mandates that insurance agents report to their companies all the commission, including taxes, that they will be expected to pay.

Often said to be the best food writer of her time, Elizabeth David's work is not merely a collection of recipes and essays on food; it is more akin to an autobiography telling of the people and food that she has known.

Agreeing that one of its drawbacks had been the lack of retraining of teachers, the Institute promised to conduct quality checks for teachers.

A new study has found that people who sleep fewer than seven hours a night appear to be almost three times as likely to catch a cold than those who sleep more than eight hours.

Raoul's motivation to succeed in this program seems to be greater than his sister.

Camels are able to withstand changes in body temperature and water content that would kill most other animals; its temperature ranges from 34 °C (93 °F) at night up to 41 °C (106 °F) during the day, and only above this threshold will it begin to sweat.

Rachel Weisz gave birth to a baby boy this week; but the excitement surrounding his birth is nothing like Angelina Jolie's baby girl.

To deal with the problems of redundant and dual place names, the National Park Service and the U.S. Board of Geographic Names have requested a nomenclature committee be established in each state.

Extremely talented and fiercely competitive by nature, my sister likes sports more than my brother.

The process that many people find most confusing about evolution is speciation, which is not a separate mechanism at all; rather a consequence of the preceding mechanisms played out in time and in space.

Mark's immense knowledge and his selection of topics that encompass the progress in art, the regulation of dance, the difficulties of each person in rigidity with the social order and with oneself – was equally disconcerting to his personal time as they are convincing for ours.

The Pierce oscillator, developed by George Washington Pierce, whose exceptional skills as a teacher, as well as his many influential publications and inventions, earned him credit for building the scientific foundations of electrical communication.

Oprah Winfrey has reportedly signed a deal to write a book about weight loss; her advance is said to be more than Bill Clinton, who received $12 million to write his autobiography, My Life.

A leading child expert warns parents to limit the amount of television children watch before the age of two, after a review published extensively in the January issue of Acta Paediatrica showed that it could do more harm than good to its ongoing development.

If the modern business executive were unable to hold a drink, grab a bite, shake hands and extract a business card all at the same time, the commercial world would grind to a halt.

An environmental group claims that the impacts of shrimp farming ranges from wrecked mangrove forests and decimated wild fish stocks to pollution and disease-prone coastal communities.

Many philosophers that came after Hegel and were influenced by him , whether adopting or rejecting his ideas, did so without fully absorbing the new speculative or dialectical logic.

Guilding mistook the antennae of Peripatus, an elongated invertebrate having many pairs of stout, fleshy legs, as the tentacles of a slug and falsely placed this new creature into the mollusk phylum.