Anyone got selected for rbi mains?
Anyone from Kolkata selected for mains??
Please share your attempt in pre who has qualified for mains. Mine is 78
How many months gk we need to cover?
How was the paper guys ? Share ur attempts plz.
Anyone if recall GS questions, plz share
Puys ur scorecards r out.
Anyone from Andhrapradesh or telangana?
invalid showing
Puys scorecard is available now. You can check it.
Kis kis ka invalid aa rha hai score card
Share your prelim marks here
aspirants from uttar pradesh what are your scores?
i was also getting "invalid login credentials "so I called IBPS this morning.They said to go to IBPS website and file my complaint by clicking on the link 'Candidate grievance lodging and redressal mechanism ' their representative will look to my complaint.I wrote my complaint and submitted. Few minutes ago , I got a mail from them saying that the "Score display is only for qualified candidates "
Anyone from nagpur please do share your score?
Aspirant from Kolkata share your scores
Anyone here.. Who is not qualified, but able to see scorecard
Hello frnds,
I want to know that whether both quotas add up ??
For example , if There are 2 candidates (VI/ HI/ OH ) , one is GEN. other one is SC/ST /OBC so , of marks of SC/ST/OBC PWD candidate is somewhat less than the GEN PWD candidate , Then final seat will be alloted to whom ? GEN PWD or ST/SC /OBC PWD ???
How many people from kanpur/ lucknow office appeared in main exam?? Please share your category ( VI/OH/HI/ID) as well.