RRB 2015 JE/SSE CEN 01/2015

in negative logic ,the logic state 1 corresponds to

the desirable property of refrigerent is

Which of these is also called as reactor ???

which of d following is a youngest folded mountain range in india?

the sum of int energy n the product of pressure and volume is known as

an electronic oscillator is

banana is a good source of which vitamin?

eletric current in metal wire is due to

what are .bas,.dac and .html examples of

dimensions of cylinderical parts should as far as possible be shown in d view in which thry r seen as --------

what part of pototoes plant do we eat?

hey guys HELP ME! which book to study for mech and civil part!!! urgent!!

i will be posting elec questions...help me out by posting civil and mech ques!   OK?

one liter =?

 best book or website to refer for general science( bio,chem,phy) history,pol,geo and question on railways 

Nobel prize for the discovery of RNA synthesis is given in the year

Guys. Just one Query.

If the questions for all the streams are same in RRB than why there are different books for Electrical/Mechanical/Civil in the market??

Any Idea?

Cell walls are made up of

Which protein/s is/are responsible for Cell movement & support carried out by muscles for contraction ?

Which are used for protein synthesis?