RRB 2015 JE/SSE CEN 01/2015

what are d function of subroutines in digital computer priogramming? explain anyone..!!!

which is a primary consumer?

electrical switches r put in the

which memory is used to store variable data?

Air refrigerator works on

In lap winding the no. of brushes is equal to

two circular discs of same weight and thickness are made from metals having different densities. The disc having the larger rotational inertia about its central axis is

A uniform prism and a uniform pyramid of same height lie with their base on the surface which is more stable

kinetic friction is

A hollow shaft will transmit ---------------- power than a solid shaft of same weight and material

if a circular shaft is subjected to a torque T and bending moment M, the ratio of maximum bending stress and maximum shear stress is

full load current of a 20HP,3 Phase,50Hz,440V in induction moter is

  • 10 A
  • 28 A
  • 48 A
  • 78 A

0 voters

An exciter is nothing but a

permissible pH value of water for boilers is

Piles can be made from

Acid in car battery is

which of d following codes need 7 bits to represent a character?

2 ,10 ,30 ,68 , ----- find missing term

  • 138
  • 140
  • 142
  • 130

0 voters

power consumtion of an LED as compared to LCD is

Spot welding is used for both ferrous n non ferrous metal having thickness upto(mm)