Wl 130 .Chances to convert?
- No
- Yes
0 voters
Wl 130 .Chances to convert?
0 voters
WL 48 SC category, convert?
0 voters
waitlist starts after rank 180, right?
how much waitlist movement happens for sc category?
0 voters
21 WL general category for IM. Any chances ?
0 voters
WL 14 in KM category any chance ?
0 voters
WL 66 General category. Chances?
0 voters
waitlisted 193 , chances to convert?
0 voters
SCMHRD Infrastructure WL-61. General Category.
Conversion chances?
0 voters
Everyone who is answering WL conversion polls
0 voters
scmhrd waiting list 52..mba -ba any hances
WL 310. Open Category.
Chances according to previous years?
0 voters
Guys kindly give ur views. Waiting list 100. General category. Do i have any chances to get it conveted.
0 voters
Waitlist 375 genral?
0 voters
How much movement was there last yr in the waitlist (Gen)
Which college is better to join?
0 voters
General Waitlist 280. Chances?
What was the last year waiting list movement guys ?
Anyone know the waitlist movement for last year for MBA - BA. Till what WL number converted for general candidate?
How fast does the Waitlist moves?? Any idea by when will the Second Merit list be out??