Guys today I received a mail of updated waitlist no. Which was regret earlier for XLRI delhi bm program. So the waitlist no. Shows 431. So is their chance to convert or not
- Not convert
- Covert
0 voters
Guys today I received a mail of updated waitlist no. Which was regret earlier for XLRI delhi bm program. So the waitlist no. Shows 431. So is their chance to convert or not
0 voters
Hi everyone,
I am glad to be one of the fortunate people to get a seat in HRM.
I have few queries-
1. Total requested amount is 790,000. I have already submitted 50,000 to stay in waitlist. So I have to sumit 790,000-50,000= 740,000 right?
2. Do I need to submit the required amount in single transaction or I can deposit it in mutiple transaction? If I can deposit it in multiple transaction then, Can I deposit it using multiple bank accounts?
3. There is no documentation for loan. Can I get a loan to deposit above amount (last date to deposit loan amount is 3rd June)? If yes, Which bank/branch should I contact?
4. If the answer for 3rd question is No then Can I get some more time from XLRI to deposit the require amount? I can deposit roughly half of the required amount right now. Can I get 1 week extension for the remaining amount?
Xlri Delhi BM updated waitlist no. 552. Is conversion possible?
0 voters
Need an unbiased opinion,
0 voters Very important. Xl hrm converts please vote.
Which is better?
0 voters
Will XLRI Delhi have common placements with XLRI Jamshedpur?
0 voters
Hi everyone, needed some help regarding XAT 2022 form:
The XAT form has a section for entering work experience till March 2022. I'm working right now, but I'm not sure if I will continue to work till that date, I mean it could be anything. So what should I do? How can I predict my last working day in my current organization?
EXCITING PLACEMENT ANNOUNCEMENT! GIM has raised the bar yet again.
Early bird applications close today. Apply on - Online Application Form
Dear Candidates,
A gentle reminder that the Early Bird application closes today at 11:59 PM.
Apply now and save 30% on the application fee.
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In case of any queries, feel free to reach out to us. We will guide you in every way possible.
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Is there any whatsapp group that has been created to prep for the interviews for BM and HRM both? If it exsists, could anyone please share the link.
Anyone in Dehradun preparing for XAT’23?
Asking for a friend who wants to prepare with other serious candidates in Dehradun.
yes i am
Any group for XLRI 2023-25 admission call getter
Looking for the same.
Also, when should we expect the result, if you have any intuitive idea?