Art of Living (Or Worth Leaving)?
Lately there has been a lot of brouhaha about a certain guru of joy, rumoured to have recited the Bhagvadgita at the age of four, preaching his unique ‘breathing techniques’ and a certain course of his called ‘AOL’. This program promises to reduce stress, depression and claims to offer peace of mind, serenity, better health, energy and stamina albeit at a (princely) price. And this price is what makes AOL exclusive to the rich gullible strata of Indians who revere him as a deity. His followers seem to have one agenda: enrol as many people as possible for the course. As if this is the only resort to a worthy life and enlightenment. As if this self proclaimed prophet is the only one who can make you enjoy your life to the fullest and bestow joy in life.
It amazes me how people fall for such phoney claims and make these self proclaimed god men larger than life characters. This prostitution of faith entraps the masses contrary to its claim of liberating people. The irony is that even after minting money in heaps most of these businesses claim to be NGOs. Sustaining such organisations sure needs both money and power which they seem to have in abundance. The Art of Living meditation centre at Bengaluru is constructed on five acres of government land which was meant to be allotted to the landless poor. The Mysore Urban Development Authority decided to fine the organisation and raze down the entire ashram. However, miraculously a certain devout follower of ‘Mr Sri Sri’ who also happened to be the Chief Minister of Karnataka intervened and saved the day. I wonder if the CM would have done the same for the common man. I also wonder if the ways of living that they teach are so effective, then why do they charge exorbitant rates for these? Is living a better life the mainstay of the affluent and elite?
Is it not a little snobbish to claim that the way I live is better and superior to the way you live? Why do we need someone else to print our picture of life? Won’t it be more exciting if everyone painted their own canvas of life with different hues and colours, thus making each of them a Masterpiece in itself! I quote famous words by Bob Marley.
Who are you to judge the life I live? I know I’m not perfect -and I don’t live to be- but before you start pointing fingers. Make sure your hands are clean!
It’s a quote worth pondering over. I think people should realise that the REAL Art of living is about becoming a better human being. It’s not about following the herd but about finding your own path. It’s not about having blind faith but being pragmatic and open minded. Having said that, you to decide whether your way of life is an ART worth LIVING or LEAVING.
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