Bollywood films form case studies at XIMB
The course has also been well received by the students. XIMB is getting positive feedback from the students about this course, since its introduction in the current form. Similar use of movies as part of pedagogy has been done in a few courses of the Business Management course as well. This is why XIMB is considering introducing this form of case study in its other courses conducted as a part of the Rural Management programme and its flagship Business Management programme.
Shirshendu Chatterjee, a second year Rural Management student at XIMB said that, aManagement is essentially experiential learning. Introduction of measures like use of films as case studies helps to make the programme more interesting for us students. At the same time, the fact that the films are popular Bollywood movies doesnat hurt because they also provide good entertainment value. Such measures should be introduced across the board, wherever possible, as it will serve to make management education more interesting and a lot more fun too.a