CIMA Certificate in Biz Acc

A career in any industry, as an employee or entrepreneur, requires fundamental knowledge of business and finance. In a competitive business environment, you also need a qualification that differentiates you from countless other graduates. The CIMA Certificate in Business Accounting offers you the opportunity to develop your business and financial knowledge, enhance your CV, shape your career, and help you be the business leader of tomorrow.

A headstart to your career

You can enroll into the programme as soon as you clear your XII std. exams and pursue it along with your graduation, thereby earning a dual qualification along the way. As a result, youll be more than just a graduate.

You also have the option of pursuing it after graduation, while working, or if you are interested in a career change.

As an introduction to the world of finance, its a globally recognised qualification in its own right. It can also be your gateway to the CIMA Professional Qualification if you would like to be a Chartered Management Accountant.


This course offers you the opportunity to progress at your own pace. You can plan your studies as per your circumstances part-time, full-time or while working. There are different study options available to suit your learning style:

  • attending formal tuition classes
  • self study at home
  • a range of online interactive study support products
  • via distance learning through a tuition provider.

You can opt for this course irrespective of your prior financial knowledge. All you need is a passion for business.

Relevant and modular syllabus

The CIMA qualification is driven by the needs of business. And the syllabus clearly reflects that. We consult with employers regularly to ensure it remains up-to-date and meets the demands of the modern business world.

There are five modules that make up the CIMA Certificate in Business Accounting. These modules will provide you with an excellent grounding in the fundamentals of finance and accounting, and how they relate to the world of business.

The modules are,

Fundamentals of Management Accounting

Fundamentals of Financial Accounting

Fundamentals of Business Mathematics

Fundamentals of Business Economics

Fundamentals of Ethics, Corporate Governance and Business Law

You can take up the five modules in any order and combination to suit your requirements. Browse through the suggested study routes and paper combinations here.

If you happen to join the CIMA Certificate in Business Accounting after your graduation, you may be eligible for exemption from one or more of the modules. Check your eligibility for exemptions here.

Platform for a global career

With CIMA being recognised by employers worldwide, itll set you up for a career that will take you places across various sectors and industries.

It can also help you earn credits to various post-graduate courses in the United Kingdom (Conditions apply).

Computer Based Assessment

All the assessments of the CIMA Certificate in Business Accounting are computer based.

The advantages of Computer Based Assessments (CBA) are that you:

  • have the opportunity to appear for assessments at your nearest CBA centre
  • can sit, and if necessary re-sit, assessments at any time of the year
  • gain instant results and feedbacks.

CBAs consist of objective questions. Each assessment runs for two hours and the pass mark is 50%.

To find your nearest CBA centre, visit

So get in touch with CIMA representatives today to enrol or know more about the course. You can also log on to and do the same.

About CIMA

The Chartered Institute of Management Accountants, founded in 1919, is the worlds leading and largest professional body of Management Accountants, with 183,000 members and students operating in 168 countries, working at the heart of business. CIMA members and students work in industry, commerce and not-for-profit organisations. CIMA works closely with employers and sponsors leading-edge research, constantly updating its qualification, professional experience requirements and continuing professional development to ensure it remains the employers choice when recruiting financially trained business leaders.

For more information about CIMA, please visit

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