Department of Atomic Energy – Vacancies for Scientific Assistant & Technician posts.
The Department of Atomic Energy (DAE) is a department directly under the Prime Minister of India with headquarters in Mumbai, Maharashtra, India. DAE has been engaged in the development of nuclear power technology, applications of radiation technologies in the fields of agriculture, medicine, industry and basic research.
DAE has invited candidates for Scientific Assistant & Technician positions. The details of these vacancies are as follows :
Post No. of vacancies Remuneration Maximum age limit
(in Rs. per month) (as on 15-09-2015)
Scientific Assistant 03 36,213/- 30
Scientific Assistant 01 36,213/- 30
Technician D 03 31,013/- 25
Technician C 01 27,489/- 25
Technician B 02 21,836/- 25
Essential qualification : To check out the required essential qualification & remuneration for each of the above post, refer to the original notification.
Method of selection : Selection of the candidate will be done on the basis of Trade test & Personal Interview.
How to apply : Candidate can apply for this post only through the Online mode of application at ,
Last date of application : 15th September, 2015
For more details, refer to the original notification.