DSSSB Answer Key 2019 Published on dsssb.delhi.gov.in, Check Steps to Raise Objections
The answer keys for the post of Pharmacist), AE Electrical, Junior Engineer Civil, JE Civil, Junior Engineer Electrical and Radio Telephone Operator has been released by the Delhi Subordinate Services Selection Board (DSSSB).
Candidates appeared in these exams can download the answer keys released on the official website of DSSSB and file objections according to the answer keys released. Master set of the exam question paper is available on the “Question Bank” link of the DSSSB home page.
DSSSB have also released the notice so that it will be helpful for the candidates to check the 2019 answer key and raise the objection if any. The link of the notification has been inserted below in the article.
The notice released is, DSSSB Answer Key Notice.
DSSSB Junior Lab Assistant Exam was on 17, 18, 23, 25 to 30 August 2019 while the DSSSB ANM exam was being conducted on 30 August 2019. The official website to download the answer key id www.dsssb.delhi.gov.in . Candidates must go through the below steps to download the answer key.
The answer key is downloadable from the official link through application number and date of birth. Candidates must keep it safe before logging in.
Steps to Download DSSSB Answer Key and Submit DSSSB objections:
- Visit the DSSSB Official website mentioned above.
- Click on the “Draft Answer Keys and filing of objections for Online Exam for the post code 12/18(Auxiliary Nurse Midwife), 13/18(Lab Asstt GrIV)” on the home page.
- Enter your credentials and login.
- Check the Draft Keys and put objection if applicable.
The analysis of the answer key with individual responses will help to calculate the probable scores before the declaration of result.
The direct links to download the answer keys are:
For more updates and timely information, candidates are advised to stay tuned to official website of DSSSB.
Also read, DSSSB Assistant Primary Teacher Admit Card 2019.