English Quiz for Banking entrance exams

Dear readers,

This quiz consists of questions from
various Banking entrance exams held during the last few years. Leave your
answers/ responses in the comments section below and we’ll soon let you know
the correct answers!

Directions (Q Nos. 1-10) Read each sentence
to find out whether there is any grammatical or idiomatic error in it. The
error, if any, will be in one part of the sentence. The number of that part is
the answer. If there is no error, the answer is (5). (Ignore errors of
punctuation, if any).

1. The bane of Indian hockey today is /(1) lack of interest by the part of
the public /(2) which in turn is
fuelled by the perception that /(3)
it doesn’t pay to take up the sport as a career. / (4) No error./(5)

2. Illegal sand mining has become /(1) a boom business fuelled /(2) by the ever-increasing demand /(3) of the construction industry./(4) No error/(5)

3. Much is the inflow of travellers that /(1) it is tough to book an air ticket / (2) to Ahmedabad and the
international flights /(3) too are
almost over-booked./ (4) No error/(5).

4. Experts believe that a /(1) gradually decreasing infant
mortality rate /(2) is lead to a
proportionate /(3) decrease in size
of our brains./(4) No error/(5).

5. In just two months after having /(1) planted these, most of the plans
have/(2) either dried up and are
suffering/(3) due to lack of
maintenance./(4) No error/(5).

6. In cities people don’t/(1) always have time to/(2) catch up with old friends or /(3) spend times with their family/ (4) No error /(5).

7. The band have been /(1) performing at many cause-oriented concerts/ (2) to encourage people to come forward and/ (3) lend their support to the noble cause./ (4) No error/(5).

8. As market leaders, /(1) we have always been at /(2) the forefront of creating awareness/(3) between the public./(4) No error/(5).

9. If the IPL has succeeded in drawing /(1) an audience across the country, it
is because/(2) cricket has always
had a strong foundation /(3) and a
dedicated audience./(4) No error/(5).

10. In view of the intense cold wave
condition /(1) prevailing in the
state, the government has declared /(2) holidays
in all the schools /(3) for a period
of ten days./(4) No error /(5). 


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1(2)    2(2)    3(1)   
4(3)    5(3)      6(4)    
7(1)      8(4)     9(5)     

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