Experience is the best teacher: Universal Business School
Aristotle once said, “For the things we have to learn before we can do them, we learn by doing them.” This belief is at the very core of the teaching philosophy at the Universal Business School at Karjat, which lays a great emphasis on experiential learning to equip their students with first hand knowledge of how to face real life business challenges even before they graduate.
At UBS, the objective is to effectively synthesise classroom learning with real-life business situations to create a learning environment which will test the students skills, knowledge and emotions and allow them the flexibility to react to developing situations, rather than merely thinking about the encounter and hypothetically responding to the stimuli.
Using the very latest techniques and pedagogic technologies like Case Study Method, Shadow Techniques, Simulations, Experimentations, Industry Consultation and Experiential Learning Projects, students are constantly exposed to a multitude of business scenarios that will empower them with the confidence to effectively tackling professional challenges which they are bound to face throughout their careers. UBS association with Business Scorecard gives the students a chance to interact with the corporate firsthand and gain exposure to world class management practices and processes.
To ensure that UBS has a strong interface with the industry, the B-school has set up a 50 member strong UBS Senate comprising CEOs, Directors and Vice Presidents / Functional
Heads. The Senate will meet twice every year, to review the academic processes and teaching pedagogy. The objective is to ensure that the curriculum adopted for the courses meets the requirements of the industry. The students will be given assignments upon completion of their academic year, based on the curriculum decided by the Senate along with plenty of opportunities to interact with the captains of the industry to showcase their competencies. Through these interactions, the students will get picked for their summer internships and final placements upon completion of the course.
The Universal Advantage
Universal Business School has been set up by a group of management professionals who have had extensive experience in leading global businesses and who have a passion to innovate in the field of management education and provide a superior learning experience. We will attract students and faculty from all over India and across continents, thereby seeking to enhance better understanding, peace and development amongst diverse peoples and nations. Universal Business School differentiates itself as a completely autonomous learning institution with intellectual freedom to design courses relevant to the industry, with an innovative teaching pedagogy.
At UBS, the passion for environment conservation and innovation has driven the management to create Indias first ecologically smart b-school. The brand colors green and blue demonstrate the ethos of going green where the focus to create responsible business leaders who recognise their duty towards the environment and who can help shape sustainable businesses. Since charity always begins at home, the UBS campus itself will be environment friendly with sustainable, climate-friendly architecture, green power production via solar power, recycling of waste and rain water harvesting.
For more details log on to www.universalbusinessschool.com
(Note: This is a sponsored article and has NOT been written by the PaGaLGuY Editorial Team. It is intended from an informational perspective only and it is upto the readers to research and verify the claims and judgments in the article before reaching a conclusion.)